What Causes Vaginal Odor?

Your vagina has a ton of bacteria living in and around it, working to make sure all systems are a go. Bacteria are alive, and when two types of bacteria interact, an odor can be produced. “Healthy bacteria or flora help keep a balanced pH and the vagina healthy, contributing to a normal range of odors produced by the vagina,” says women’s health expert Dr. Jennifer Wider, M.D., co-author of Got Teens? The Doctor Moms’ Guide to Sexuality, Social Media and other Adolescent Realities. “But when the pH gets tipped by harmful bacteria, yeast or other germs, an odor can signal a problem or infection.” Rarely, but importantly, vaginal odor can be a sign of a serious health problem, like cancer, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, and something called a rectovaginal fistula (when a hole forms between your rectum and vagina, allowing feces to leak into your vagina), can all lead to vaginal odors. For the most part, though, your vagina has an odor because—wait for it—it’s a vagina! “It’s important to normalize that vaginas smell like vaginas,” says Dr. Jennifer Lincoln, M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN in Portland, Oregon, and author of Let’s Talk About Down There. “This might seem basic, but we’ve been conditioned to think they should smell like pineapples or be completely odorless thanks to companies like Summer’s Eve and Vagisil.” Still, some abnormal odors, especially ones that are strong or associated with itching, burning or abnormal discharge, may be the result of an infection in the vagina, cervix or uterus, says Dr. Lincoln. Other causes of pungent private parts include hormonal shifts, having sex and wearing non-breathable underwear. So what could your particular odor mean? Let’s break things down.

Most Common Vaginal Odors

Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Fish?

A fishy odor is sometimes associated with bacterial vaginosis, a vaginal infection involving an imbalance in the bacteria in your vagina. Bacterial vaginosis (or BV, if you’re on intimate terms) is the most common vaginal condition for women ages 15 to 44, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If it is BV, you’ll likely notice some other clues, including a thin white or gray discharge from your vagina, as well as itching or burning down there. You might be tempted to douche the odor away, but hear this: Douching is actually a leading cause of bacterial vaginosis since it removes the good type of bacteria that prevents it in the first place. Instead, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to clear things up. Unfortunately for the 21 million women in the U.S. who experience BV, about 50 percent find it comes back within a year of treatment, according to research in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Associates.

Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Onions and Garlic?

Did you eat Italian food for dinner last night? Quite possibly, a pizza with onion and garlic topping or a flavorful pasta sauce can be the cause of these vaginal odors. “Certain foods eaten in abundance can influence bodily fluid odors and give off a smell,” confirms Dr. Wider. “Foods like onion, garlic, spices, coffee, smoked foods and cruciferous vegetables are all on the list.” Then again, it could just be the natural way you smell. “I have heard people use all sorts of terms to describe their vaginal odor,” adds Dr. Lincoln. “A smell of onion or garlic might actually be related to sweat in the groin area and may have nothing to do with the vagina itself.” If you’re not sure, she says, it’s best to see your doctor and get things checked out in case there is an infection. “It’s better than trying to self-diagnose or treat because this can delay care and may confuse the picture if things get worse in the meantime,” she adds.

Why Does My Vagina Smell Sour?

“Among the normal vaginal odors is a tangy or sour smell that is often produced by lactobacilli and is considered normal,” says Dr. Wider. What’s that? Lactobacilli are the most common form of “good” bacteria in your vagina. They produce hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid, which help maintain the balance of healthy bacteria. “Lactobacilli are the dominant bacteria in the vagina, which produces a variety of substances that stop yeast and unwanted germs from growing,” Dr. Wider explains. (Coincidentally, lactobacillus is also used by many beer manufacturers to sour the taste of your brewsky.) Bottom line: Lactobacilli help to maintain the proper pH balance (i.e. acidity of your vagina—yes, that’s a thing), so if things are smelling a bit sour, take it as a sign all systems are on track.

Can My Diet Make My Vagina Smell Sweet?

Not really. While it’s true that excessive sugar in your diet may then translate into high sugar content in your urine (a sign of diabetes), that doesn’t necessarily mean your vagina itself will be any sweeter smelling. “Let me be clear—a piece of pineapple cannot survive from your mouth and through your digestive tract to your vagina to make it into a vaginal pina colada,” says Dr. Lincoln. “Yet even though there is no evidence to support this idea, there is no shortage of social media posts and supplements marketed to make your vagina taste better.” Dr. Lincoln’s advice? “If someone wants your vagina to taste like a fruit salad in order to consider it desirable, you have my permission to drop them ASAP.”

Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Ammonia?

If you’re experiencing an aroma arising from below decks that’s akin to a cleaning product, it’s likely not your vagina itself, but the breakdown of urine that’s to blame. Here’s how it works: Urine is composed of water and waste products excreted by your kidneys. One of those byproducts is a compound called uric acid, which is also found in the cleaning fluid ammonia. If your urine is highly concentrated—which can happen if you are dehydrated on a hot day or after working out—it will contain less water and more waste, according to the Mayo Clinic. And that means a stronger ammonia fragrance. If you notice a heavy ammonia scent, make sure your underwear isn’t damp or that you aren’t accidentally leaking pee when you exercise (pelvic floor exercises can help). Then, make sure you are hydrating properly throughout the day. That means roughly 125 ounces of fluid for men and 91 ounces for women, according to government guidelines. (For reference, there’s 8 ounces to a cup. So drink up!)

Why Does My Vagina Smell Musty?

Slightly awkward truth: More times than not, a musty vaginal odor may be tied to a tampon that’s past its due date. “If someone has left a tampon in for too long, the odor can become rotten and can be accompanied by abnormal discharge, irritation and itching,” says Dr. Wider. So how often do you need to change it? “On heavy days, women should change their tampons every four hours,” she says. “Never leave it in for more than eight hours on any day.” On the other hand, a seriously musty odor could also be due to a sexually transmitted virus or infection (STI) like trichomoniasis that is frequently accompanied by thin white, gray, green or yellow discharge and a foul odor, according to the Mayo Clinic. (Other trichomoniasis indications: vaginal redness, itching, and a burning sensation when you pee.) It’s a common STI: Researchers from the University of Alabama in Birmingham estimate trichomoniasis infection rates to be anywhere from 25 percent to 38 percent of the population in some communities in the U.S. About 50 percent of women who have trichomoniasis cite odor as a major symptom.

Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Vinegar?

Despite anecdotal internet chatter that a vinegary aroma can occur down there, experts—and science—remain unconvinced. There are no studies validating a vinegar vaginal scent, though if it happens to you, don’t sweat it. “Vaginas smell like all kinds of things,” says Dr. Lincoln. “If you have one, and you have no concerns for infection, then what yours smells like is what is normal for you!” On the other hand, your vagina will most definitely smell like vinegar if you actually apply it—which is exactly what a study in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine found may work to ease symptoms of yeast infections that are resistant to traditional treatment by medication.

Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Metal?

A metallic scent most commonly comes from blood, so it’s natural that you may smell something akin to copper pennies during your monthly period or after sex if there is any slight bleeding. It’s worth noting that it’s not your vagina itself that smells like metal, per se, but blood that passes through your vagina and comes in contact with your skin. German researchers found the interaction of the mineral iron, naturally found in blood, with oils on the surface of human skin cause the metallic scent to be released. (Period blood can also give your underwear a weird smell.)

Does Your Vagina Smell Different When Pregnant?

Your hormones change when you are pregnant, so it’s natural to wonder if this might cause a shift in the balance of bacteria in your vagina, and hence, its odor. Not necessarily, says Dr. Lincoln. Still, “in pregnancy especially, it’s important to seek care if you are concerned there might be something wrong, as we would want to treat you for bladder and vaginal infections that could predispose you to preterm labor.”

How To Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

To identify the cause of your vaginal odor, your doctor may test a sample of vaginal discharge for various types of bacteria. If an infection is present, you may either be prescribed antibiotics, pH-balancing ointments or nothing at all as your vagina resolves any bacterial imbalances on its own at least a third of the time, according to the Cleveland Clinic. If there is no infection but the smell is really strong, there are a few things to try: “There are ways to lessen a strong scent,” says Dr. Wider. “Make sure to change your underwear daily and after working out, and urinate after sexual intercourse.” You might also try washing the area with gentle fragrance-free soap, she adds. What not to do? Over-washing, douching or using scented sprays in your genital area to mask the smell can only make matters worse by disturbing the balance of good bacteria, according to the University of Nebraska Health Center. “Your vagina is really good at maintaining the right mix of bacteria and microorganisms, but some things can throw it off,” agrees Dr. Lincoln. “The number one culprit is using internal vaginal douches or washes, as well as external products on the vulva like scented pads, washes or creams. These can all throw off the pH balance and let the bad bugs overtake the good ones in the vagina.” The takeaway? “No odor can be normal but that isn’t the only way a vagina may smell,” says Dr. Lincoln. “The solution isn’t to fix your odor, but instead to get to the root of why you feel something is wrong with you. We live in a society that equates the word vagina with ‘dirty’—that is the issue, not your vagina.” Up next, here’s Everything You Need to Know About Vaginal Rejuvenation.


Jennifer Wider, M.D., co-author of Got Teens? The Doctor Moms’ Guide to Sexuality, Social Media and other Adolescent RealitiesJennifer Lincoln, M.D., board-certified OB/GYN in Portland, Oregon, and author of Let’s Talk About Down ThereCleveland Clinic: “Vaginal Odor.” University of Nebraska Medicine: “Vaginal Odor: What’s Normal, What’s Not.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “ Bacterial Vaginosis – CDC Basic Fact Sheet.”Cleveland Clinic: “Bacterial Vaginosis.”Journal of the American Academy of Physician Associates: “Bacterial Vaginosis: A Practical Review.”Mayo Clinic: “Trichomoniasis.”Clinical Microbiology Reviews: “Trichomoniasis.”Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine: “Vaginal Candidiasis Infection Treated Using Apple Cider Vinegar: A Case Report.”Angewandte Chemie: “The Two Odors of Iron when Touched or Pickled: (Skin) Carbonyl Compounds and Organophosphines.”National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine: “Report Sets Dietary Intake Levels for Water, Salt, and Potassium To Maintain Health and Reduce Chronic Disease Risk.”