If you’ve ever had a vaginal yeast infection, you’re certainly not alone. Every year, almost 1.5 million women visit a doctor to treat vaginal candidiasis—the medical term for a vaginal yeast infection. Many more women self-treat yeast infection, so they’re not included in this number; experts estimate that 75% of women will have at least one vaginal yeast infection during their lifetime. But what exactly are yeast infections? And can they be prevented? We went to the experts to ask what you should know about yeast infections—and exactly what to do if you get one (like if and when can you have sex!).

What is a vaginal yeast infection, anyway?

A vaginal yeast infection is an overgrowth (too much) of yeast in the vaginal or vulvar areas. The most common is a type called candida, explains Ann Peters, MD, a gynecologist at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Md. This yeast can cause serious itching and discomfort. Interestingly, not everyone experiences these symptoms. “Every woman has healthy bacteria in the vagina and some even have yeast,” Dr. Peters says. “But having yeast does not always mean a woman has a yeast infection. Salena Zanotti, MD, a gynecologist at Cleveland Clinic estimates that about 10 to 20% of women have some candida but not an infection. “A yeast infection is when you are symptomatic from the candida,” she says. The infections usually start affecting women after they have gone through puberty, stopping once menopause hits.

So what exactly causes yeast infections?

Both bacteria and yeast live in the vagina. Some types of bacteria work to keep the yeast at bay, maintaining the vaginal flora (environment), so a small amount of yeast may not cause problems. But the delicate balance of bacteria and yeast can be easily tipped, and that’s what can result in a yeast infection. Experts note that pregnancy, using birth control pills, living with uncontrolled diabetes or using antibiotics can allow yeast to take over, causing an infection. And women who have lowered immune systems are also at risk. Beyond that, outside factors can also cause a yeast infection. Vaginal douches and sprays, for example, can upset the delicate bacteria/yeast balance. Very tight clothing, or fabric that doesn’t breathe can also give yeast the perfect environment to grow. One thing to watch for: Women who have frequent yeast infections may find they show up around the same time each month—just before their menstrual period. Others get them at random times. A woman may have one once in a lifetime, while others get recurrent ones throughout their life. Yeast infections can worsen if they aren’t treated, but they don’t cause other infections, like urinary tract infections (UTIs). The symptoms can be similar though. “Some women with vaginal yeast infections may feel like they have symptoms of a UTI, because when they go to [urinate], the urine burns as it hits the skin,” Dr. Zanotti says. “They’ll complain of burning with urination but it’s not burning from within the bladder. It’s more because of the inflammation on the vulva. The urine touches it and it hurts.” It’s also important to understand that a vaginal yeast infection isn’t the same thing as other types of fungal infections, like athlete’s foot or a fungal infection in the groin or elsewhere on the body. Nor can vaginal yeast infections cause them. “We haven’t found any association,” Dr. Zanotti says. “Vaginal yeast infections are pretty isolated. They don’t increase your risk for other skin yeast infections or oral thrush, or anything like that.”

Yeast infection symptoms are quite obvious—and uncomfortable

If you’ve had a vaginal yeast infection in the past, you know the symptoms all too well. If you’ve not had one before, you may have heard of other women complaining about them. According to Dr. Peters, yeast infections “most commonly present with itching, burning, vulvar/vaginal pain, vulvar swelling and vaginal discharge that is often thick, clumpy and white.” Other symptoms might include:

Burning while urinating or having sexual intercourseRedness, swelling of the vulvaWatery, clear vaginal discharge

Yeast infection treatments: Over the counter or prescription?

Good news: Since yeast infections are so common, several years ago the Food and Drug Administration allowed some yeast infection treatments to be sold over the counter (OTC). This move has allowed millions of women across the country to start treatment when they suspect an infection instead of having to wait to see their doctor for a prescription. However, if you’ve never been diagnosed with a yeast infection before, Dr. Zanotti recommends seeing your doctor before self-treating—even if you think you’re sure you have a yeast infection. Let your doctor verify this is the case. Using yeast infection treatments when you don’t have one could cause other problems. If it turns out the infection is bacterial, you will have delayed the treatment, which can lead to complications. Another issue is that if you take unnecessary yeast infection treatments, the yeast that is present could become resistant to the medication, making it harder to treat an infection if one does occur later. Up to two-thirds of women who use OTC creams to treat a yeast infection don’t really have one. So don’t be shy about talking to your doctor about yeast infections. They’re so common that they’re used to seeing women who have them. “We do recommend getting a diagnosis that first time,” Dr. Zanotti explains. “And once you’ve had one, you know what to expect and then you can go get the over-the-counter products.”

Primary treatment options

Over-the-counter products include creams, ointments and vaginal suppositories that contain an anti-fungal ingredient. These treatments are quite effective and treatment can last anywhere from one day to six days, depending on the product.Prescription yeast infection treatment is usually an oral medication. “Diflucan (fluconazole, “the little pink pill”) is an oral medication that is often prescribed by physicians and often works better when over-the-counter treatments have failed,” Dr. Peters explains.

And if you take the prescription medication, you may also want to get an OTC cream to help you manage the uncomfortable symptoms while the oral medication gets to work.

How long does a yeast infection last, and can they go away on their own?

Women who are asymptomatic, meaning they have no infections, may shed the yeast on their own. In fact, the only reason they may know they have yeast is if it is discovered by accident through a gynecological exam and/or a Pap smear that showed traces of it. If you have a yeast infection, it will last for as long as the treatment takes, if the treatment works. Unfortunately, sometimes a treatment doesn’t work or women have recurrent infections. And although many OTC treatments are often advertised as one time or quick 3-day treatment, sometimes a longer 7-day course is needed, according to Dr. Peters. “Furthermore, symptoms may linger beyond the treatment if women only do a short course of treatment depending on the severity of the infection.”

Here’s how you’ll know your yeast infection is gone:

Once the symptoms have gone away and they don’t return, you can be fairly certain that your yeast infection is gone. However, if symptoms keep coming back, you may need stronger and longer treatment. Or if you’ve self-diagnosed yourself and you used OTC treatments, maybe your problem isn’t a yeast infection after all. In this case, you should see a doctor to be sure.

Prevent yeast infection discomfort in a few easy steps:

Luckily, as uncomfortable as vaginal yeast infections can be, they won’t cause any serious complications. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t want to try to avoid them as much as possible. Here are some tips for reducing your risk of a yeast infection:

Change out of damp or wet bathing suits or workout clothes as soon as you can. Don’t sit around in them as they provide a good environment for yeast to grow.If you’re prone to yeast infections, stay away from hot tubs and very hot baths. These can disturb the bacteria/yeast balance.Don’t wear tight clothes, particular fabric that doesn’t “breathe.”Don’t use douches or any OTC products sold to “clean” your vagina. These products affect the flora.Limit your use of tampons; change menstrual pads frequently.

Now that you know what to avoid, is there anything else you can do to prevent these annoying infections? Not really, says Dr. Zanotti. “Some women do try using probiotics to prevent yeast infections,” she says. Many women find that when they take antibiotics for an infection, they get a yeast infection too. And when they take probiotic supplements, they don’t get one. The data show it working both ways though, Dr. Zanotti points out. “Sometimes they help, sometimes they don’t.” She adds that some women seem to have triggers for yeast infections, such as consuming large amounts of sugar. “It’s not standard for everyone, but some women make dietary changes and they find it helps. But there’s no specific diet or supplement that we have found that is helpful.”

Is getting a yeast infection while pregnant dangerous?

Being pregnant causes a whole lot of changes in a woman’s body and one is that they can get a yeast infection more easily, according to the American Pregnancy Association. However, as uncomfortable as it is, you don’t have to worry about the baby if you do get a yeast infection. It doesn’t get passed to the baby, explains Dr. Zanotti. Nor will the infection make you go into preterm labor or cause any pregnancy complications, so that’s one less thing to be concerned about. If you do have a yeast infection while pregnant, it’s not a good idea to self-diagnose or self-treat. Not all OTC yeast infection treatments are safe for pregnant women. Visit your doctor to be sure it is a yeast infection and, if so, your doctor will recommend a pregnancy-safe treatment.

Sexual activity and yeast infections

Are yeast infections contagious?

There is some good news if you do have a yeast infection: They are not contagious. “There are some partners that can pass yeast to each other, but it is very uncommon,” Dr. Zanotti explains. “Men are rarely symptomatic too.” Transmission may play a part if there are recurrent infections, but it’s not standard of care to treat partners, she adds.

Is a yeast infection an STD?

Despite yeast infections affecting the vagina and vulva, they are not sexually transmitted diseases or infections, says Dr. Zanotti. You can’t catch them from someone and you can’t pass them on.

Men can get fungal infections, but what about yeast infections?

Men can definitely get fungal infections in their groin area, as well as other places on the body—but these infections are not the same as the vaginal yeast infections their partner may have. So you probably don’t need to worry about passing on the infection to your partner, according to Dr. Zanotti.

Can you have sex with a yeast infection?

Yeast infections won’t affect your fertility or if you can get pregnant, something some women may worry about. But you may want to hold off sexual activity until your symptoms go away to avoid further irritation and discomfort, as well as small micro-tears caused by friction from penetrative sex. If you are comfortable having sex while you have a yeast infection, there’s generally no medical reason to avoid it. But there is an exception. If you’re using a vaginal cream, ointment or suppository, do not have sex until the treatment is finished. Next up: Here’s what you should know about taking probiotics for better health.


Ann Peters, MD, a gynecologist at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, MarylandSalena Zanotti, MD, a gynecologist at Cleveland ClinicClinical Microbiology Reviews: “Candida Infections of the Genitourinary Tract"American Diabetes Association: “Skin Complications"Office on Women’s Health: “Vaginal yeast infections"Diflucan: “About DIFLUCAN ONE® Yeast Infection Treatment"American Pregnancy Association: “Yeast Infections During Pregnancy"Sexually Transmitted Infections: “Lack of evidence for sexual transmission of genital Candida species among women who have sex with women: a mixed methods study"MedlinePlus: “Butoconazole Vaginal Cream"CDC: “Vaginal Candidiasis"Mayo Clinic: “Yeast infection (vaginal)” What is a Yeast Infection  How to Treat   Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections - 15