The Most Common Causes of Bladder Issues

Some people may have temporary incontinence, or loss of bladder control, due to certain drinks, foods or medications that stimulate the bladder and increase the amount of urine. However, others may experience persistent incontinence. And this may be due to a variety of reasons—ranging from pregnancy, childbirth and aging to prostate enlargement and obstructions. Of course, as with any change in your body’s functioning, you should always see a doctor for an official diagnosis and determination of any underlying causes.

Three Different Types of Incontinence

All bladder issues are not the same. Some of the most common types of incontinence cause anything from minor to severe leaking issues.

Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence refers to when people have minor leaks due to a cough or sneeze, lifting something heavy, or exercising vigorously.

Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence is when there is a muscle spasm or a dysfunction of the bladder that causes a strong, sudden urge to urinate. Sometimes the urge is strong enough to cause leaking before getting to a bathroom.

Combination Incontinence

People can also have a mix of the two types, meaning their bladder issues can stem from both stressors (like sneezing) and sudden urges. No matter cause of your urinary leakage, there are things you can do to help alleviate your issues. Here, we share advice from medical professionals about what you can do to keep living an active life without interruption.

Incontinence Treatment Options

Physical therapists who specialize in pelvic health are one of a few different types of medical professionals who may be able to help in more severe cases. According to Kelly Brown Goss, a physical therapist at the Iowa Clinic, there are several ways a pelvic therapist can help you to overcome or mitigate your symptoms. For severe cases, therapists might use biofeedback, an alternative medicine approach that teaches people to change the way their bodies function. Therapists use monitoring equipment to measures your body’s functions to see what’s happening when you contract your pelvic floor muscles. This can give them valuable insight as to which exercises might work for you to gain more control. They might also recommend medications or injections, among other interventions or therapies. However, most people don’t require intensive therapy. Urinary leakage, especially with exercise, is usually very treatable. “The reality is that leaking doesn’t need to be shameful,” says Dr. Krystyna Holland, PT, DPT of Inclusive Care. “It can often be changed and trained out of, if it’s something that is bothering you. Most of the time, it’s the pelvic floor muscles that are responsible for someone leaking, rather than the bladder itself.” For less severe cases, Brown Goss uses techniques in her practice that people can practice on their own as well. “You may benefit from relaxation techniques, behavior modification or bladder training exercises,” she noted in one of her articles on pelvic health for the Iowa Clinic. “You may need to strengthen your core, improve your posture or exercise muscles you didn’t even know you had!” The muscles around your pelvis and hips are close to your pelvic floor (where the muscles are located that control urine flow). So by strengthening them, you can actually see some improvement. But for those times when leakage is inevitable, TENA Intimates—gynecologist tested to help defend against skin irritation and 100 percent breathable—can be a good source of discrete leakage protection, with varieties to handle anywhere from light bladder drips to heavy bladder leakage or stronger overnight protection.

Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is very important. If you have ever been pregnant or given birth, your doctor or healthcare provider has probably recommended Kegel exercises, which are basically an active contraction of the pelvic floor. “The pelvic floor muscles themselves are deeper and harder to target through traditional strength training (it isn’t as easy as picking up some weights),” writes Brown Goss. “But doing pelvic floor exercises can help tone muscles and prevent urinary incontinence.” Despite different anatomical makeups, Kegels can help both men and women control their bladder. Here’s how Brown Goss suggests you make sure you do them correctly. Gross recommends doing 10 repetitions two or three times a day to start. As your pelvic floor muscles get stronger, hold for longer: up to 10 seconds.

Activate Your Inner Core Muscles 

Your pelvic floor muscles work in tandem with inner core muscles to manage the pressure placed on your abdomen. Therefore, it’s imperative for them to work together efficiently. One way Brown Goss recommends is through diaphragmatic breathing. Here’s how:

Lie down and take a deep breath in while focusing on the expansion of your lower ribcage and abdomen. At the same time, let go of your Kegel.When you exhale, squeeze and lift your pelvic floor muscles as your abdomen returns to normal.Repeat, but make sure not to over-activate your abdominal muscles.

Brown Goss says if you combine diaphragmatic breathing and Kegels into your daily routine, you should see results in a few weeks or months. These practices may not eliminate your symptoms altogether, but they are a good start. And be sure to note that there is a difference between activating your abdominal muscles through diaphragmatic breathing and engaging your core during other daily activities. Holland says to be cognizant not to hold your pelvic floor or abdomen tight all the time. “It may seem counterintuitive or counterculture to tell people to stop generating so much tension in their abs, but I often see leaking as a result of abdominal or pelvic floor muscles that are overactive,” explains Holland. “The constant cuing to ‘brace your core’ or ‘pull your belly button to your spine’ can actually be a significant contributor to urinary leakage.”

Retrain Your Bladder

According to experts at the Academy of Physical Therapy Association for Pelvic Health, retraining may help your bladder control challenges too. As toddlers, we all had to learn to control our bowels—it took time and training. If you are experiencing bladder control issues, you may need to retrain your adult bladder as well.

Behavioral Modifications

You can also make adjustments to your daily schedule to help lessen urinary leakage. For example, the healthcare professionals at Brigham and Women’s Hospital recommend trying to go to the bathroom at regular, timed intervals to help empty the bladder completely and prevent leakage. Also, after urinating, try rocking back and forth while relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. This also helps to empty the bladder more fully. They also suggest limiting caffeine and the amount of alcohol you consume to less than two servings a day, and eating more fiber to keep you regular. Remember that bladder issues are common and there is no need to be embarrassed. You are not alone and there are steps you can take to control it so you can go about your day, living life to the fullest. Have an overactive bladder? No need for anyone else to ever know (unless you tell them), with TENA Intimates, which are designed to capture everything from light drips to heavy bladder leakage. Find out more here.


The Iowa Clinic Pelvic Floor Therapists Give Their Best Advice for Living With Bladder Issues - 95