Considered to be a form of parasomnia, or unusual behaviors that take place during sleep, night terrors in adults are classified as an arousal disorder and often happen in the first three to four hours of the night during non-REM sleep, as Dr. Carleara Weiss, PhD, advisor to Pluto Pillow, shares. These sleep disturbances can happen right before, during or upon waking from sleep, says Dr. Whitney Roban, Sleep Expert and Founder of Solve Our Sleep. She adds that while they’re most common during childhood, 1 to 2% of the adult population deals with night terrors. To learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for night terrors in adults, read on for helpful advice from our experts.

What Are the Symptoms of Night Terrors?

Dr. Roban says that the most common symptoms of night terrors include awakening terrified, screaming, thrashing about, sweating, having a rapid heart rate, quick breathing, staring blankly, experiencing confusion and non-responsiveness. “During a night terror, a person will be non-responsive and not aware of external stimuli, yet appear completely terrified and will not remember the episode the next day,” Dr. Roban adds.

What Causes Night Terrors in Adults?

Dr. Weiss says that oftentimes, night terrors are directly linked to stress, trauma and sleep deprivation. Specifically, mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder can bring on night terrors. Additionally, untreated sleep disorders—such as obstructive sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome—may trigger night terrors in adults.  Alcohol and caffeine before bed, as well as high fevers and illnesses, can also cause night terrors, as Dr. Roban says. While most children outgrow night terrors by the time they reach puberty, they can carry on into adulthood. If one has a family history of night terrors or experienced them in childhood, they can have them as adults.

What’s the Difference Between Night Terrors and Nightmares?

Even though they sound similar, night terrors and nightmares are very different from one another. For one thing, they each take place during different phases in the sleep cycle. “From a clinical point of view, night terrors are an arousal disorder that happens during non-REM sleep, while nightmares are observed during REM sleep,” Dr. Weiss says. “Another difference is that people can remember their nightmares when they wake up, while night terrors are often forgotten. Additionally, nightmares happen later in the night and night terrors are observed in the first three to four hours of sleep.”

How To Treat Night Terrors

If you or a loved one has night terrors most nights, it might seem as if they’ll never come to an end, which can be a very disconcerting feeling. But they can be treated with the help of professionals. Dr. Roban urges those who experience night terrors to seek mental health counseling for anxiety, depression and PTSD. She says that some medications, such as antidepressants as well as sleep medications, are sometimes utilized to treat night terrors in adults. It’s also essential to address and treat any possible underlying sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. One can simply pay closer attention to their overall sleep hygiene too. This can include not drinking alcohol and caffeine before bed, getting better sleep quality, and aiming for a higher sleep quantity with a consistent sleep schedule, Dr. Roban points out. These are all things that a partner can assist with as well. “Make sure that the person is getting enough sleep,” Dr. Weiss says. “Help them make behavioral changes to improve sleep quantity and quality, such as reducing caffeine intake, restricting alcohol consumption closer to bedtime, practicing meditation and winding down before bed.” A night terror can also be quite frightening for a partner. But it’s important to keep as calm as possible, and above all else, not wake up the person experiencing a night terror. “Just make sure they stay safe and do not do anything to hurt themselves or others,” Dr. Roban advises.

When To See a Doctor

If you’re struggling with sleep deprivation and having difficulty concentrating and focusing, or if you suspect that you may have a sleep disorder with indicators that can include snoring or waking up with a headache or sore throat, you should seek medical guidance, Dr. Weiss recommends. Or urge your partner to visit a doctor if you’re observing these things in them. “Seek medical assistance if you, or your bed partner, notice that night terrors or their symptoms are becoming more frequent,” Dr. Weiss says. Dr. Roban suggests seeing a therapist for counseling and a sleep medicine physician for a formal diagnosis of any related sleep disorders. According to Dr. Weiss, treatments for night terrors can include behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, medication and properly treating any underlying sleep disorder, such as using CPAP machine to treat obstructive sleep apnea. Night terrors don’t have to rule your life or your partner’s life. One can experience night terror-free sleep and wake up feeling refreshed instead of exhausted with the guidance of a medical professional. Next up, find out how a good night’s sleep can cut depression risk.


Dr. Carleara Weiss, Ph.D., advisor to Pluto Pillow.Dr. Whitney Roban, Sleep Expert and Founder of Solve Our Sleep.