But there is the possibility that you might get a little too creative, which is what happened when one mother gave her daughter creative control of their family’s elf this winter. User @_itsjazzymf shared the debacle in her house on TikTok, and the video quickly went viral. At the beginning of the clip, Jazzy, as her bio states, says, “This is the last time I will tell my daughter to get creative with the damn elf.” She walks down a second-floor hallway and starts going down the stairs, narrating, “I find these two toilet papers, and apparently, I’m assuming that’s chocolate. It better be.” By her feet are two lengths of toilet paper with a brown streak down the middle. As she keeps walking down, the mother finds what she thinks is chocolate also on the staircase, saying, “But, you guys, why? Why?” “But that’s not it, because, it has footsteps,” she continues, hitting the first floor where, lo and behold, there are little brown spots on the ground looking just like what you might imagine an Elf on the Shelf’s footsteps would. Jazzy’s a little perplexed, explaining, “Do elves walk? I thought they flew! What?” She continues following the footsteps to a door, coming up on quite the scene. On the door are more smears of chocolate, along with the word “HELP” written out in the middle. Opening the door to her bathroom, she says, “I was scared to open this, for real…So I open it, and I find the elf.” She zooms in to show people the elf sitting on the toilet, facing the wall, posed as if he is pooping. There’s even more chocolate smeared on the sink, the toilet seat, and in the toilet bowl. Her daughter also left a note that says, “Oops I got the poops! Sorry I couldn’t make it to the bathroom without leaving a mess!” A little postscript also reads, “P.S. - This was all my fault, don’t be mad at Alo, she’s on the good list!” Alo is likely the TikToker’s daughter’s name.  But Jazzy seemed to get some good laughs out of the whole thing, as did people on TikTok, with one commenter saying, “elf on a shelf turned into a horror movie real quick 😂😂.” “She was waiting for this moment her entire life. the commitment and detail is impeccable. 😂😂,” another said.