Additionally, raising awareness of sexual abuse and assault has given rise to viewing many high-profile women—both real life and mythological—through a new, more holistic lens, and that’s led to some justice for Medusa, who’s gotten a very unfair rap since the BC days. Here’s everything to know about Medusa tattoos, their meaning, and an important lesson on the Medusa myth.

What does Medusa symbolize for women?

Though most of the world sees Medusa as simply a snake-haired monster that turns people into stone if they so much as make eye contact with her, there’s much more to the myth than that. Medusa as a Gorgon is the most common visual representation of her, but she actually was stunningly beautiful in her youth—so much so that she caught the attention of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. She was also a priestess of the goddess of war and wisdom, Athena. Depending on which retelling of the myth you read, Poseidon and Medusa either had an affair or he brutally raped her (the latter is the most common interpretation of the story) in Athena’s temple. Athena, furious at the disrespect and desecration but unable to truly punish Poseidon (because, well, he’s a god), took out her rage on Medusa and transformed her into the creature most know her as today. It was, perhaps, the oldest pop culture example of victim blaming ever. As such, Medusa is often seen as a symbol of sexual assault survival.

What is the meaning behind a Medusa tattoo?

Obviously, every person is different, so their individual interpretations and meanings behind their own Medusa tattoos may vary. In general, however, Medusa tattoos are a symbol of survival, often from sexual abuse, sexual assault or rape. For some, the significance of Medusa is simply meant to ward off evil and negativity in general. “I believe the Medusa tattoo is the perfect visual depiction of a survivor’s journey from pain to resilience, strength, empowerment and self-preservation—a protective symbol, as she has the ability to destroy those who are a threat to her being,” therapist Anita Astley told Parade. Astley pointed out that Medusa, for many SA survivors, helps remove the stigma and the shame, guilt, self-loathing and self-blame commonly experienced by survivors of sexual assault. “This tattoo says a thousand words and is a permanent stamp of survivorship,” Astley, author of Unf*ck Your Life and Relationships: How Lessons from My Life Can Help You Build Healthy Relationships from the Inside Out, says. “Not hiding but displaying it for all the world to see.”

Is a Medusa tattoo disrespectful?

There is nothing inherently disrespectful about a Medusa tattoo. However, like anything else, some cultures and individuals may take exception to it or to tattoos in general. That’s their business.

Why are girls getting Medusa tattooed on them?

Women, girls and people of all ages and genders get Medusa tattoos for reasons personal to them. “Tattoos are a form of art, and art is an expression of the human condition. The human condition includes pleasure and suffering; suffering survivors of sexual assault know all too well,” Astley says. “The Medusa tattoo, to me, knowing and understanding the story behind her head of snakes, deathly eyes and decapitated head, says, ‘I am a powerful, strong, badass survivor of sexual assault and abuse.’ It ultimately challenges the false perception by some that rape victims are often blamed for their rape. It shows that the person owns and is in control of their sexuality and ultimately is the ultimate force to be reckoned with.” If you or someone you love is dealing with sexual assault, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-4673 for free 24/7 confidential support. 

Next, find out all about tattoo removal if you have some ink you regret.