In January, an 84-year-old Asian elder was violently shoved and killed while walking outside of his San Francisco home. And just last week, six out of eight victims of the Atlanta shootings were Asian women, a fact that has the Asian-American community crying out for help. Last Friday, President Biden signed a presidential memorandum condemning racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States, urging Congress to pass hate crimes legislation. And that’s a good start. But change isn’t going to happen overnight. According to Stop AAPI Hate, 3,795 hate incidences against Asians were reported between March 2020 and February 2021, 11.1% of which were physical assaults.
Here’s how you can help the Asian community in the fight against anti-Asian violence:
For bystanders who are witnesses to acts of Asian hate, Thu Nguyen, National Director of OCA Asian Pacific American Advocates, advises, “Be a good ally.” Don’t just watch and walk away. “Be aware of the surroundings,” she says. “Follow up with the victim. Ensure that the victims get what they need. Validate the victim so that the victim will be seen.” Most importantly, “Record video if you can. Provide evidence.” Furthermore, get trained. Agencies such as Hollaback!, in partnership with Asian Americans Advancing Justice, are providing Bystander Intervention training to help de-escalate anti-Asian attacks. Likewise, the Center for Anti-Violence Education provides zoom webinars and training for community members in subjects ranging from self-defense to bystander strategies for de-escalation and addressing microaggressions in the workplace. “If you experience racism or witness it, you can report it to us,” says Russell Jeung, Professor of Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State University, and a founding member of Since it was formed in March of 2020, the organization has documented hate crimes against Asians in all 50 states. And while it’s easy to focus on violent hate crimes, the organization collects information on all types of hate incidences ranging from verbal attacks to civil rights violations like denial of service, workplace harassment, and bullying in schools. One surprising form of attack? “We’re getting coughed on and spit on a lot,” says Jeung. Bottom line: “If you witness something happening, stop it, help the target, check it in with them, and make sure to report it.” Where to report:
org can take reports of anti-Asian hate incidents in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Khmer, Punjabi, Tagalog, Hmong, and Hindi.Asian Americans Advancing Justice can take hate crime and hate/bias incident reports in English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.Muslim Advocates records hate crimes and hate/bias incidents against the American Muslim community.OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates takes reports of hate crimes and hate/bias incidents in English.Sikh Coalition records hate crimes and incidents against the Sikh American community at orgSouth Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) records hate crimes and hate or bias incidents against the South Asian, Sikh, Muslim, and Arab communities via their Tracking Hate
“Give monetarily to the grassroots organizations that are providing victim assistance, mental health assistance, and providing cultural competency training for law enforcement,” says Nguyen.
org, a national coalition aimed at addressing anti-Asian discrimination amid the pandemic, accepts donations in support of their efforts. Donate here.Support the AAPI Community Fund, led by a cross-sectional group of AAPI leaders nationwide, seeks donations in support of community grassroots efforts that address anti-Asian sentiment. Donate here.Community Action Fund by the Hate is a Virus non-profit, is also accepting donations in support of essential, BIPOC community organizations working to dismantle racism against the AAPI community. Donate here.CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities, based in New York City, was founded in 1986 by Asian working-class women in response to hate violence in Asian communities and works to build grassroots community power across diverse and working-class Asian immigrant and refugee communities in New York City. Donate here.Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta, is working to support victims and families affected by the violent acts on March 16, 2021, in Atlanta. Donate here.
“At the very least, ask for public statements about anti-Asian violence,” says Joo Han, Executive Director of the Asian American Federation, a New York City-based leadership organization and Asian American advocate group. Her organization, which works with a network of 70 Asian non-profits, is asking the Biden administration for help with federal resources. But she says it’s important to get the community, elected officials, and employers involved. “Ask your local elected officials to make a public statement,” she says. “Ask your employers to come out against anti-Asian violence. Especially in places where Asian employees and staff make up an important part of the workforce, making public statements lets people know that this behavior is not an acceptable part of the culture.” Visit and support Asian restaurants, grocery stores, and neighborhoods. “In some neighborhoods, it’s less safe,” says Jeung. “We want people to return to Chinatown and be the eyes and ears. The more people around, the more people feel safe.”
In New York City, volunteer to be a part of Chinatown Block Watch, a grassroots group of community members that patrol the neighborhood after-hours to promote neighborhood safety. Founded by activist Karlin Chan, volunteers are asked to email Oakland, help Asian seniors get around the neighborhood safely by volunteering to be a chaperone at Compassion in Oakland.Sign up to volunteer at OCA Asian Pacific American Advocates. With chapters in major cities throughout the country, the non-profit has been fighting against anti-AAPI hate incidents and racial profiling since 1973.
“Be uplifting with anything you see on social media,” says Nguyen, who says that spreading awareness of what’s happening—and that it’s not okay—is critical. Use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, and whatever your platform is to engage others and contribute to the conversation. Useful hashtags include #StopAsianHate #StopAAPIHate and #StopTheHate. Next, read 50 racial justice quotes and Black Lives Matter Quotes to inspire sorely needed change!