You’ve seen it on breakfast menus in the “healthy fare” section, next to oatmeal and fruit bowls: The egg white omelet. Somehow, divorcing the whites of an egg from the yolk has come to be considered an even healthier breakfast than consuming the entire egg. “When we think back to the ‘90s and early 2000s, there was a lot of focus on low-fat which contributed to the rise in popularity of egg whites because they have less fat than eating the entire egg,” says registered dietitian Theresa Shank, RD. But she adds that now, people are realizing the health benefits of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Whole eggs contain both of these types of fats as well as saturated fats—which is why it can be confusing to know if eating egg whites is healthier than eating the whole eggs. Fortunately, there’s a wealth of scientific research on how eggs affect health and when looking at these studies collectively, there’s an extremely clear answer as to what’s actually healthiest in the egg whites versus whole eggs debate. And the verdict just might affect what you have for breakfast tomorrow.

A nutritional breakdown of the yolk and whites

Registered dietitian Vanessa Rissetto, RD, says that there are nutritional benefits in every part of an egg, but the nutrients in the white part are quite different from what’s in the yolk. “The main benefit to egg whites is that they have lean protein,” she says. One serving of egg whites has about 3 grams of protein. If that doesn’t sound like very much, it isn’t. If you eat an entire egg, on the other hand, you’ll get 18 grams of protein—six times as much. Rissetto says this is key to actually feeling full. She also says that besides lean protein, egg whites don’t have much nutritional value; all of that is found in the yolk. So, what exactly does the yolk bring to the table nutritionally? Rissetto and Shank both rattle off a long list of nutritional benefits: protein, iron, vitamin A, selenium (which supports the immune system), riboflavin (a B vitamin linked to preventing chronic inflammation), lutein, carotenoids, and zeaxanthin (which are all linked to lowering inflammation and supporting eye health), and folate (a B vitamin important for brain health). “Egg yolks are also one of the few foods that contain vitamin D,” Rissetto says, adding that this is another nutrient that plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system. Quite a resume, right? Both dietitians say this is all in addition to being a good source of monounsaturated fats, which are linked to many health benefits including helping lower the risk of heart disease, the main cause of death in the U.S. While monounsaturated fats are the primary fat type in eggs, they do also contain polyunsaturated fats and saturated fats. Saturated fats have been believed to increase the risk of heart disease, but according to a meta-analysis of 21 studies, there is not enough evidence to support this claim. “Eggs really are a powerhouse source of nutrients and these nutrients are primarily found in the yolk,” Shank says. So does that mean that consuming the whole egg is healthier than going for just the whites? It sure does—well, for almost everyone anyway.

Is it ever healthier to eat just the egg whites?

Both experts say that for almost everyone, eating the whole egg is much more beneficial than eating just the egg whites. Doing so, they say, will benefit the entire body including the immune system, brain, and heart. “You’ll get more energy and satiety from eating the whole egg because egg whites don’t contain very much protein or fat,” Rissetto says. “You’ll also be supporting the brain because of the folate in the yolks.” Scientific studies have shown that folate helps improve brain function as well as mood in older adults. Here’s the big health benefit to eating whole eggs that Shank and Rissetto want people to know: It’s good for your heart. “Eggs help keep blood sugar levels steady and also lower inflammation,” Shank says. “This is important because high cholesterol is the direct result of inflammation.” But there is one caveat to eggs being good for heart health. “If you have a genetic predisposition that leads you to have trouble metabolizing fat, then it would be healthier to have just the egg whites,” Shank says. But in general, eggs are beneficial for heart health and the American Heart Association even endorses eating them every day. Of course, Rissetto says, it does matter what you eat your eggs with. “If you’re having four eggs every morning with bacon, cheese, and Texas toast, that’s not going to be the best nutritionally,” she says. Instead, she recommends pairing eggs with a fiber-rich source as this is one nutrient eggs don’t have and is an important nutrient base to cover at every meal. To do this, she says you can add a veggie or greens to your meal or sprinkle flaxseeds on top of your eggs. The bottom line is that, for most people, eating the whole egg is going to give you much more nutritional benefits than opting for just egg whites. Your eggy breakfast will benefit your entire body in many ways. Consider the myth about egg whites officially cracked. Next up, here are seven more ways to benefit your heart besides eating eggs. 


Vanessa Rissetto, RD, registered dietitianTheresa Shank, RD, registered dietitian How Nutritious Is an Egg White  Here s Everything You Need to Know - 61