The 56-year-old actress shared a scene from the 2002 James Bond movie to celebrate 20 years of the film that starred her and 69-year-old Pierce Brosnan, her favorite representative of the classic character. The classic scene showed Berry channeling her inner Baywatch as she walked out of the water after a swim in the ocean, Bond watching her through binoculars before the two introduced themselves to each other for the first time."….it’s been 20 years. Pierce Brosnan forever my BOND! @piercebrosnanofficial," she wrote alongside the throwback clip. Actress Nafessa Williams took to the comments, writing, “The one! 🔥” Mario Lopez and Jamie Foxx also chimed in, both leaving fire-flame emojis on the post. “Halle, girl, that walk out of the water was EVERYTHING!!!! YASS!” one fan wrote.Berry portrayed the NSA operative Jinx Johnson who teamed up with Bond–played by Brosnan–to spy on a rogue North Korean agent to investigate his ties with a North Korean military colonel who attempted to unite the Korean peninsula under his county’s flag. This was Berry’s first and only time starring in the Bond films, and Brosnan’s final time. According to Variety, Berry was supposedly set to get her own spinoff portraying the iconic Bond girl, but it was ultimately scrapped after the studio drew back from the $80 million budget for the film. “It was very disappointing,” Berry told the outlet. “It was ahead of its time. Nobody was ready to sink that kind of money into a Black female action star. They just weren’t sure of its value. That’s where we were then.” More News:
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