Let’s start with what went down during the double eviction. You had a vocal response to Turner nominating you, and in your speech, you made a plea to keep you to take him and Monte down. Talk me through your perspective during all of that.Only three people were voting during the double eviction: Monte, Taylor, and Alyssa. I knew I wasn’t going to have Monte’s vote. Turner wasn’t voting as HoH. So my best shot was to get Alyssa and Taylor’s vote. So I wanted to pitch to them specifically why keeping me was good for their game. Ultimately, it didn’t work. But I felt like that was the best shot I had to get the votes to stay.How do you look back on your record-breaking competition run in the game, and how much do you feel that changed how you approached your relationships with everyone in the house, considering how much you wanted to play the middle?Looking back on my run, I never expected to win so many competitions. It wasn’t necessarily the game I wanted to play. I didn’t want to feel like I had to win to stay in the house, which I think is why I did try to play the middle. Just in case I didn’t win a competition, hopefully, I won’t have enough people covering my back. I knew it was a long shot. And ultimately, it didn’t work out that way. But I am proud of how I played.You chose to go after Terrance, despite Brittany trying to convince you to nominate Turner. Why did you decide to temporarily reform the Leftovers, considering what ensued in the double eviction?I decided to target Terrence mostly from a positioning standpoint. We see it season after season where somebody is a pawn all season, and then they get dragged to the Final Two. And I knew that having a player like that in the game was dangerous for me. I knew if I was up on the block, I had no argument for why I should stay over Terrance. So he was a threat to me getting to the end, which is why I wanted him out of the game. Even if I had taken out Turner, I think I still would be sitting here. I think Monte would have ultimately won these competitions in the double eviction. And I still would be here. So I don’t necessarily regret it. It was trying to position myself the best I could if I didn’t win a competition. I knew it was a long shot no matter what, but I stand by my decision.Last week, you revealed Kyle’s suspicions about an alliance between the BIPOC houseguests to get him nominated. And while it accomplished that goal, you did get pushback for sitting on that information for a couple of weeks. How do you look back on your choice and the situation that unfolded?Looking back at the situation, I completely understand why people were skeptical of my timing for revealing this information. In this game, no matter what information you’re bringing forward, people are going to look at it as if you’re using it as an opportunity to get ahead in the game. So I can’t fault anyone for being skeptical and asking questions and getting pushback. Ultimately at the time, with the information that I had, I felt like it was the right time to say something. I knew I would regret it if I just didn’t say anything at all. And no matter when I said something, it always was going to be able to be spun that I was using it to get ahead in the game. So, looking at how everyone reacted and how they wish it had been handled, I wish I had spoken up sooner. Ultimately I don’t regret speaking up. But I wish I maybe had gone about it a little bit differently.To finish, let’s get your rapid-fire thoughts on the remaining houseguest. Starting with Alyssa.Sweet and funny.Brittany.Empathetic.Monte.Diplomatic.Taylor.Gracious and effortless.Finally, Turner.Wildcard.Next, check out our interview with Terrance Higgins, who was also evicted in Big Brother 24 Week 9.