NASA and its Center for Near Earth Object Studies reports that an asteroid measuring around one kilometer (or 3,280 feet across) will fly over the earth, getting closest on Jan. 18 around 4:51 p.m. ET. First discovered in 1994, this giant asteroid is named 7482 (1994 PC1). But don’t worry, this isn’t a real-life version of Armageddon, Deep Impact or Don’t Look Up! Most asteroids or space rocks contain orbits that do not venture close to the earth. In fact, the 7482 (1994 PC1), which measures two times the size of the Empire State Building will be more than 1.2 million miles away traveling at 43,754 mph. The cosmic monster, which was first discovered in 1994 (hence its name), poses no threat of colliding with the planet. But NASA labels asteroids like 7482 “potentially hazardous” because of its distance to the earth and size. This asteroid is special as NASA doesn’t expect one like it to pass by our orbit again for centuries. Here is what we know about Asteroid 7482 (1994 PC1)
How big is Asteroid 7482 (1994 PC 1)?
Asteroid 7482 ( 1994 PC 1) is approximately 1.1 kilometers in diameter, measuring around 3,280 feet. The asteroid is twice the size of the Empire State Building.
Is Asteroid 7482 ( 1994 PC 1) going to hit earth?
No! Asteroid 7482 (1994 PC 1) poses no danger to our planet. It is expected to zoom around the earth, passing within around 1.2 million miles. However, according to the Center for Near Earth Object Studies, NASA’s center for calculating asteroid and comet orbits and their odds of Earth impact, this asteroid is not crashing into us. In fact, as the Center for Near Earth Object Studies reports, nearly 28,000 near-Earth asteroids (or NEAs) have been discovered by telescopes which monitor the night sky. The center finds around 3,000 NEAS a year. “There is no risk of this asteroid hitting the Earth anytime soon,” says AccuWeather Meteorologist and astronomy expert Brian Lada. “It was discovered in 1994 and scientists have a very good understanding of its orbit.”
How close is Asteroid 7482 ( 1994 PC 1)?
Over a million miles away! In other words, it is 5.15 times distance from the Earth to the moon. On Jan. 18 Asteroid 7482 (PC1) is on course to make its closest connection at 4:51 p.m. ET and is estimated to come within 1.2 million miles of Earth. It will travel around 43,000 mph. According to Lada, the next visit from this asteroid is many years in the future. “The encounter is not predicted to take place until the year 2105,” says Lada. “But it will be around 6 times farther away than the moon.” So while Asteroid 7482 (PC1) is notable for its size and distance to the planet, it puts us in no danger. “Although asteroid 7482 wasn’t discovered until 1994, scientists have been able to take enough observations to figure out where the asteroid has been in the past. So even though we were unaware of the asteroid back in 1933, NASA knows that it zipped past the Earth well before we knew of its existence.”
When will Asteroid 7482 (1994 PC1) pass earth?
According to NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies Asteroid 7482 (PC1) will pass the earth on Jan. 18 at 4:51 p.m. ET. It can be viewed with a computerized telescope at night, after its approach and will resemble a star.
Are there other asteroids that are considered “potentially hazardous” to earth?
“NASA is always looking to the sky to identify large asteroids that may come close to the Earth and they are known as “Potentially Hazardous Asteroids,” says Lada. “Over 2,200 of these “Potentially Hazardous Asteroids” have been identified, and the asteroid flying past the Earth on Jan. 18 falls into this category.” And none of these near-Earth asteroids (or NEAs), are threatening to earth. We are also likely to have other asteroid encounters. “At the end of the year there will be a very close encounter by a smaller asteroid that is between 65 and 130 feet wide,” Lada adds. “NASA predicts that it will come within 3,300 miles of the Earth around Dec. 28. This is closer than geostationary satellites, which orbit around 22,000 miles from the Earth, but is farther away than most satellites in low-earth orbit.” The Center for Near Earth Object Studies has discovered nearly 28,000 near-Earth asteroids (or NEAs) so chances are we will hear about more asteroids in our midst.